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Found 9356 results. Change search to: repository and web pages combined or website only.

PISEC is a four-museum partnership focused on education - the Academy of Natural Sciences, the Franklin Institute Science Museum, the New Jersey State Aquarium, and the Philadelphia Zoo. One of...
DATE: March 1st, 2000

This project will identify opportunities and strategies to support the integration of citizen science into science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. Public participation in scientific research is growing rapidly....
DATES: February 15th, 2015 - January 31st, 2016

The World Biotech Tour (WBT) is a multi-year initiative that will bring biotechnology to life at select science centers and museums worldwide. The program, supported by the Association of Science-Technology...
DATES: August 1st, 2014 - March 1st, 2018

Wyoming EPSCoR's education, outreach and diversity programs include undergraduate and graduate research and student achievement support, K-12 educational programs and teacher trainings, diversity programs targeted at increasing the representation of...
DATES: July 1st, 2012 - June 30th, 2017

Xraise provides experiences that empower individuals by making science familiar and accessible. Immersed with scientists themselves, we facilitate hands-on, minds-on activities that involve the direct exploration of physics phenomena. Our...
DATES: April 1st, 2014 - March 31st, 2019

Youth Volunteer Interpreters as Facilitators of Learning about Climate Change in Zoo Settings reports on a project to pilot test climate change education resources featuring youth volunteer interpreters as facilitators...
DATE: July 1st, 2013