The Repository
The repository, previously known as the CAISE repository, is a crowdsourced and searchable database of thousands of informal STEM learning project descriptions, research materials, and evaluation reports.
Search Repository
Search the crowdsourced database of thousands of informal STEM learning project descriptions, research materials, and evaluation reports.
Submit to Repository
Submit your project work and resources to the repository to help others build upon your experiences.
Additional Resources
Tools and resources to provide support for potential as well as funded AISL projects.
Review a brief summary of CAISE activities from 2007-2022
Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education
An open-access book on academic ableism.
Access EBSCO Databases
Access peer-reviewed articles about STEM learning in environments such as makerspaces, afterschool programs, and formal/informal partnerships.
Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations
A new interactive resource
Belonging: A Weekly Practice
A PDF and Weekly drop-in space from the Othering & Belonging institute. Belonging: A Weekly Practice
Broadening Participation Toolkit
A suite of professional learning tools to support your work
CAISE Newsletter Archives
2021-2022 funding opportunities, key events and new publications
Connected Learning Research Tools
Featuring tools and instruments from 10 connected learning studies and projects. Connected Learning Research Tools
Design Evaluation
Explore approaches and techniques for ISE
Dialogue & Deliberation Toolkit
Understanding an approach to facilitating conversations to bring community members together
Discover Research
Learn what's applicable to the design, implementation, and assessment of ISE
Diversifying Museum Boards
Tools to support diverse museum board trustees
Do No Harm Guide: Collecting, Analyizing, and Reporting Gender and Sexual Orientation Data
The current state of data around gender, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
Guidelines for Equitably Scaling Informal STEM Programs
A set of resources for anyone interested in equitably scaling informal STEM learning programs and curricula for program developers, implementers, researchers, evaluators, funders, and more.
IF/THEN® Gender Representation Toolkit
A toolkit that helps institutions collect data on the representation of gender in museum content. IF/THEN® Gender Representation Toolkit
Lending Library Educator Resource Center
The Lending Library is a collection of educational materials for teachers and other education professionals to check out and use to engage their students in
Making Earth & Space Science More Relevant and Inclusive
A guild developed by the National Informal STEM Education Network
NSF AISL Program: Applying for Funding
Informational webinars and key documents
NSF Resources
Various NSF resources to guide your project.
Principal Investigator’s Guide: Managing Evaluation in Informal STEM Education Projects (2011)
Managing Evaluation in Informal STEM Education Projects
Project Planner
A resource for developing informed proposals
REVISE Newsletter Archive
REVISE newsletters about the informal sciences community
REVISE Webinars
We welcome you to explore our REVISE-led webinars that cover a variety of topics for the Informal STEM Education community.
STEM Ecosystem Webinars
Explore webinars hosted by STEM Ecosystems, with a particular focus on equity. STEM Ecosystem Webinars
STEM Identity, Interest, and Engagement Interviews
A deep dive into constructs
STEM in Libraries Toolkits
Guides to implementing STEM programs in libraries
Toward Ethical and Just AI in Education Research
This brief offers guidance to researchers and developers for responsible AI research and implementation in educational settings.
Year in ISE
Annual compilations of trends and accomplishments from the ISE field