First of ASTC-CAISE CoP Webinar Series Available Online

How can we develop a more expansive, yet critical, view of what we mean by “broadening participation in STEM?” How can our programs be designed or re-designed to more fully integrate evidence on broadening participation? What resources do organizations and individuals need to better document and assess how programs advance broadening participation? These are some … Read more

New Conference Announced for Location-Based Apps in Museums

Nearly two-thirds of the adult population in the United States own a smartphone (Pew Research, 2015) and three-quarters of smartphone owners regularly use location-based apps on their devices (Pew Research, 2013). Given the ubiquity of smartphones and how familiar it is to use location-based apps, it is not surprising that museums would be eager to … Read more

CAISE Welcomes ASTC’s New CEO and President

Please join CAISE in welcoming the Association of Science-Technology Centers’ (ASTC) new President and CEO, Cristin Dorgelo. Cristin has worked to advance science, technology, and innovation throughout her career, including during her service through January 2017 as Chief of Staff at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) in the Obama Administration. … Read more

Dear Colleague Letter: NSF DRL EHR Employment Opportunity in Mathematics Education Research (Open Until Closed)

The NSF Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) announces a nationwide search for temporary Program Directors in Mathematics Education Research at the National Science Foundation. Formal consideration of applications will begin March 19, 2018 and will continue until selections are made. DRL is interested in candidates with research expertise in … Read more

Art + Science (AS.IF) in the Field Residencies

AS IF Center is a hybrid — something between a biological field station and an artists community. We hope you will be inspired by our biologically diverse region, dark skies, sites of geological interest, community of hundreds of artists, and tranquility. Our community has welcomed writers, sculptors, entomologists, herpetologists, installation artists, musicians, dancers, geologists, painters, ethnobotanists, … Read more

Engaging Latino Audiences with STEM Webinar

Join CAISE and the Exploratorium’s Generating Engagement and New Initiatives for All Latinos (GENIAL) Summit project leadership on February 27 for an interactive webinar to share results of the NSF Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program-funded Summit (NSF Award #1611143), convened in 2017 in San Francisco. The webinar will be held February 27 from 2:30 … Read more

National Alliance for Broader Impacts Summit and Pre-Workshop Registration Open

The National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) will be convening this April 25-27 for the 2018 Broader Impacts Summit. Held in Providence, Rhode Island and hosted by Brown University, the theme of this year’s summit will be “Creative Communication and Scholarship.” Speakers for this event include Sylvester James Gates, Jr., Jill Pipher, and Cornelia Dean, … Read more

Broadening Participation Task Force: February 2018 Update

How can we develop a more expansive, yet critical, view of what we mean by “broadening participation in STEM”? How can our programs be designed or re-designed to more fully integrate evidence on broadening participation? What resources do organizations and individuals need to better document and assess how programs advance broadening participation? These are some … Read more

11 Tips for a Better Advisory Board Meeting

  This article was written by Sue Allen & the Afterschool Coaching for Rural Educators in STEM (ACRES) project team, Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance.   Recently, an advisor on our Transforming Rural Communities: Virtual Instructional Coaching in Afterschool and Library Programs project (NSF Award #1713134) project advisory committee told us that our in-person kick-off meeting was the … Read more

2017 CAISE Year in ISE Review

As part of the scope of CAISE activities under the renewed cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program, we tasked ourselves with providing the professional community with a report tracking notable publications, events and trends over the year (2017). Intended as a sector-based collection of milestones that had impact … Read more