2017 AISL-Funded Projects

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December 16th, 2017

The new 2017 National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program awards have been cataloged on the InformalScience.org website. The awards can be found in the table categorized by seven project types: Broad Implementation, Conferences, EAGER, Exploratory Pathways, Innovation in Development, Research in Service to Practice and Travel Grant. You may also search and filter by audience type and disciplinary content using the advanced search on the homepage.

Congratulations to the new Principal Investigators, Co-PIs and project staff and welcome to the CAISE community!


Project Title Project Type
Collaborative Research: Advancing Professional Development and Broadening Participation in Informal Science Learning via the Integration of the Science and Art of Color Broad Implementation
Leap into Science: Cultivating a National Network for Informal Science and Literacy Broad Implementation
International Conference: The Integration of Science Centres with Natural History Museums for Imparting Informal Education Conferences
Conference on Mobile Position Awareness Systems and Solutions (COMPASS) Conferences
Communicating STEM – Advancing STEM Learning through Media by Developing and Fostering Expertise in Media Making Conferences
Workshop: Integrating the Natural and Social Sciences and the Arts to Foster Public Engagement with Issues of Community Sustainability Conferences
EAGER: Maker: Engaging Parents as Makers to Build Capacity for Community-Based Making EAGER
EAGER: MAKER: Mobile Makerspaces for Children’s Hospital Patients: Exploring Impact on Patients’ Agency, Creative STEM Problem Solving and Physical Well-being EAGER
Remake Making: Understanding Adoption and Adaptation of Facilitated Making in Libraries Exploratory Pathways
Informal Science Learning at Biological Field Stations Exploratory Pathways
Fostering Interest in Science Through Interactive Exploration of Astronomy What-If Simulations Exploratory Pathways
Bridging the World of Work and Informal STEM Education Exploratory Pathways
Embodied Physics: STEM Learning for Under-Represented Youth Exploratory Pathways
Virtual Ice Explorer: Immersively Experiencing Changing Glacial Landscapes Exploratory Pathways
Leveraging Citizen Science for Informal Science Learning Exploratory Pathways
Leading the Next Generation of Informal STEM Education Broadening Participation Efforts: A Professional Development Program for Mid-Career Professionals Exploratory Pathways
Change Makers: Crowdsolving the Energy Challenge through Cyber-Enabled Out-of-School Citizen Science Programs Exploratory Pathways
Brains On!: Investigating the Impact and Reach of Informal Audio STEM Learning Exploratory Pathways
Integrating STEM and Digital Literacies with Adolescents Innovations in Development
Changemakers: Advancing Community Science Literacy Innovations in Development
The Quantum Atlas: A Visual Guide to an Unseen World Innovations in Development
Ruff Family Science: Researching Factors that Support Intergenerational Science Learning in Adult Education Contexts Innovations in Development
Public Participation in Scientific Research: Designing an Online Collaborative System for Research & Learning Using Live Bird Cams Innovations in Development
Street Smarts: Experiments in Urban Social Science Innovations in Development
National Parks Science Challenge Innovations in Development
Developing Innovative Techniques for Using Museum-based Theater and Gaming to Support Visitor Understanding of Complex Systems Innovations in Development
Lineage: A Cross-Platform Learning Experience Exploring the History of Life on Earth Innovations in Development
Change Makers: Urban Youth Food Justice Ambassadors Innovations in Development
Local Environmental Modeling: A Toolkit for Incorporating Place-Based Learning into Virtual Internships – A Scalable, Informal STEM Learning Environment Innovations in Development
Spatial Ability and Blind Engineering Research Innovations in Development
Code: SciGirls! Media to Engage Girls in Computing Pathways Innovations in Development
Collaborative Research: Embedding Public Engagement with Science at Long-Term Ecological Research Sites (Non-Lead) Innovations in Development
Polar Extremes: Enhancing Experiential Digital Learning Innovations in Development
Combining Media and Messaging to Engage Underserved Families in STEM Learning: A Study Innovations in Development
Transforming Rural Communities: Virtual Instructional Coaching in Afterschool and Library Programs Innovations in Development
Weather and Climate in the Newsroom: Expanding the Climate Matters Network and Its Science Communication Research Innovations in Development
Data Visualization Literacy: Research and Tools that Advance Public Understanding of Scientific Data Innovations in Development
Science Learning+: Youth learning in Public Participation in STEM Research Opportunities (Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science) Facilitated by Natural History Museums Research in Service to Practice
Science Learning +: Broadening Participation in STEM through Transdisciplinary Youth Development Activities Research in Service to Practice
Science Learning+: STEM Teens: Examining the Role of Youth Educators as Learners and Teachers in Informal STEM Learning Sites Research in Service to Practice
Streamlining Embedded Assessment to Understand Citizen Scientists’ Skill Gains Research in Service to Practice
Supporting Science and Engineering Identity Development in Immersive Interactive Technologies Research in Service to Practice
Understanding How Narrative Elements Can Shape Girls’ Engagement in Museum-Based Engineering Design Tasks Research in Service to Practice
Science Learning+: Understanding the Role of Embodied Interaction in Pre-K Children’s Learning about Science in Informal Settings Research in Service to Practice
Equitably Consequential Making Among Youth from Historically Marginalized Communities Research in Service to Practice
Collaborative Research: Grounding Institutional Partnerships in Structures for Broader Impacts Design (Non-Lead) Research in Service to Practice
Implementing the STEM Excellence and Leadership Program to Understand the Role of Local Agency in Broadening High-Potential, Rural Students’ STEM Participation and Achievement Research in Service to Practice
Embedded Assessment and Innovation Adoption for SciStarter 2.0: Understanding Participant Dynamics and Outcomes in a Landscape of Citizen Science Projects Research in Service to Practice
An Investigation of the Impact of Culture and Experience on Reasoning about Complex Ecological Phenomena Among Students from Diverse Backgrounds (Non-Lead) Research in Service to Practice
Determining the Landscape of Informal Physics Programming in the United States Research in Service to Practice
Science Learning +: Partnering for Equitable STEM Pathways for Underrepresented Youth Research in Service to Practice
Public Participation in Scientific Research: Arctic Harvest Research in Service to Practice
Applying Game Design Principles for Supporting Computational Literacy Experiences in Museum Exhibits Research in Service to Practice
Collaborative Research: Partnerships to Strengthen and Diversify Broader Impacts Activities (Non-Lead) Research in Service to Practice
International Travel Grant: Connected Audiences Travel Grant