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REVISE is a resource center funded by the NSF AISL program to support AISL PIs and cultivate a diverse community dedicated to promoting equity across the informal science education field.
Learn more about REVISE.
REVISE’s efforts complements those of other NSF resource centers that serve the larger professional STEM education ecosystem. Each center has tailored resources and tools that can be used to design, implement, evaluate, research, and disseminate the work of STEM education experiences and settings.
The centers include:
- CADRE (Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education), which supports the Discovery Research K–12 (DRK–12) program (cadrek12.org)
- CIRCLS (Center for Integrative Research in Computing and Learning Sciences), which supports the Research on Emerging Technologies for Teaching and Learning (RETTL) program (circls.org)
- CS for All Teachers (Computer Science for All Teachers), is a virtual community of practice that welcomes all teachers of PreK through high school who are interested in teaching computer science (csforallteachers.org)
- The ECR (EDU Core Research) Hub, which supports the EDU Core Research program. (ecrhub.org)
- EvaluATE, which supports NSF’s Advanced Technological Education program (evalu-ate.org)
- STELAR (STEM Learning and Research Center), which supports the Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST) program (stelar.edc.org)
- MSPnet (Math and Science Partnership Network), which supports the Math Science Partnership and STEM+C programs (hub.mspnet.org)
- The recently sunsetted ARC (Center for Advancing Research and Communication), which served the Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Engineering (REESE) program (arc.uchicago.edu)