Organizational Approaches to Systemic DEAI Change in the Informal Science Education Field

July 23rd, 2021 | RESEARCH

Framing: Broadening participation and achieving equitable outcomes has been a core goal of the science museum field for over two decades. However, how to make progress has proven an intractable problem.

Methods: Focusing on five organizations who officially committed to diversity, equity, access, and inclusion (DEAI) by participating in a national professional development program, the researchers investigate how science museums attempt to enact internally-focused change via a mixed methods case study.

Findings: While these organizations considered a variety of structurally focused change possibilities, the reality of tensions involving power hierarchies, organizational history, and dominant culture workplace norms resulted in change attempts that were limited in scope and constrained impact on museum staff.

Conclusions: These findings reaffirm the need for visions of systemic change in order for DEAI organizational change efforts to take root and flourish. Limitations and needs for future research are discussed.



Team Members

Marjorie Bequette, Author, Science Museum of Minnesota
Megan Goeke, Author, Science Museum of Minnesota
Gretchen Haupt, Author, Science Museum of Minnesota
Choua Her, Author, Science Museum of Minnesota


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1612640

Related URLs

iPAGE - Developing a Model for Broadening Participation in Informal STEM Institutions


Access and Inclusion: Asian Communities | Black | African American Communities | English Language Learners | Ethnic | Racial | Hispanic | Latinx Communities | Immigrant Communities | Indigenous and Tribal Communities | LGBTQIA | Low Socioeconomic Status | Pacific Islander Communities | People with Disabilities | Women and Girls
Audience: Evaluators | General Public | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Interview Protocol | Observation Protocol | Research | Research and Evaluation Instruments | Research Case Study | Research Products
Environment Type: Museum and Science Center Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs