Learning about Learning: The Story Behind the Story

November 27th, 2018 | RESEARCH

Experiences-including museum experiences- that are packaged as stories are more likely to be remembered by both children and adults. For museum visitors, the simple act of narrating what they've done even no more than ten minutes ago can make their experience more meaningful and memorable. How connections are made between a museum experience and lasting learning, are driving the collaboration between practice and research at the Chicago Children's Museum and Loyola University Chicago.



Team Members

Tsivia Cohen, Author, Chicago Children's Museum


Publication: Association of Children's Museums' Hand to Hand


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1515771

Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1516541

Related URLs

Collaborative Research: Advancing Early STEM Learning Opportunities Through Tinkering and Reflection


Audience: Elementary School Children (6-10) | Evaluators | Families | Museum | ISE Professionals | Pre-K Children (0-5)
Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM
Resource Type: Peer-reviewed article | Research Products
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Making and Tinkering Programs | Museum and Science Center Exhibits | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs