Broadening Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM: A Toolkit to Support Science Engagement Professionals

May 1st, 2019 | RESEARCH

To help informal STEM education (ISE) and science communication groups reflect on and strengthen their efforts to broaden participation in STEM, CAISE’s Broadening Participation in STEM Task Force developed a suite of professional development tools.

If you are a staff leader or trainer working on broadening participation, these resources can help support your work. You can use them to plan and lead reflective discussions about current practices, with an eye to developing goals, strategies, and priorities that can make your ISE and science communication work more inclusive.

Toolkit Contents:

  • Toolkit Overview
  • Report: Broadening Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM: Critical Perspectives on the Role of Science Engagement
  • Stakeholder Summary: How Can Our Efforts with Public Engagement with Science Be More Inclusive?
  • Conversation Guide

Practice Briefs:

  1. Why Broaden Perspectives on Broadening Participation in STEM?
  2. What Does Learning Have to Do With Science Communication?
  3. What Does Assest-Based STEM Learning Look Like?
  4. What Are the Cultural Norms of STEM and Why Do They Matter?
  5. What Counts as STEM?
  6. How Can We Help Scientists Adopt Equity Approaches to Science Communication?
  7. What is a STEM Learning Ecosystem?
  8. How Can We Rethink Assumptions About Parent Engagement?
  9. How Can We Build on Existing Assets Within a Community?
  10. How Can Institutions Model Inclusion in the Workplace?
  11. What Does Working "With" (not "For") Our Communities Look Like?



Team Members

James Bell, Principal Investigator, Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education
Bronwyn Bevan, Co-Principal Investigator
Angela Calabrese Barton, Contributor
Cecilia Garibay, Co-Principal Investigator
Melissa Ballard, Contributor
Raychelle Burks, Contributor
Marc Lesser, Contributor
Michelle Choi, Project Manager, University of Washington
Nancy Maryboy, Contributor
Dale McCreedy, Contributor
Sunshine Menezes, Contributor
Nichole Pinkard, Contributor
Christine Reich, Contributor
Bruno Takahashi, Contributor
Bhaskar Upadhyay, Contributor
Danielle Watt, Contributor


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 1612739

Related URLs

Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (2016-2021)
Explore the Toolkit


Audience: Administration | Leadership | Policymakers | Educators | Teachers | Evaluators | General Public | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Reference Materials
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Informal | Formal Connections | Media and Technology | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Public Programs