May 1st, 2005 | RESEARCH
The following document summarizes results from a literature review conducted in Fall 2004 to inform the development of a nationwide research project that will explore universal access to the learning of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in museums. Through this project, the Museum of Science, with four collaborating institutions, will further the industry's knowledge and understanding of ways to create museum exhibitions that are inclusive of the learning needs of all museum visitors, including those with disabilities. Guiding the literature review was a topical framework that addressed the research topics each collaborating institution proposed for their research study.
Team Members
Christine Reich, Evaluator, Museum of Science, BostonAnna Lindgren-Streicher, Evaluator, Museum of Science, Boston
Museum of Science, Contributor
Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: AISL
Award Number: 0423802
Funding Amount: 49995
Related URLs
Creating Museum Exhibitions for Everyone: A Research Study Planning Grant
Access and Inclusion: People with Disabilities
Audience: Adults | Evaluators | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | Engineering | General STEM | Mathematics | Technology
Resource Type: Literature Review | Research Products
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits