Traveling Exhibit on Technology, Imagination and the Future Using the Fantasy Technologies in the Star Wars Movies as Examples

September 10th, 2003 - August 31st, 2006 | PROJECT

Over a three year period, the Museum of Science, Boston will develop a national traveling exhibition and associated programs that will support the goals and standards for technological literacy that were recently articulated in reports by the National Academy of Engineering and the International Technology Education Association. Intellectual Merit. The exhibit will take advantage of the widely known characters and images of future technology from the Star Wars movies to attract visitors and to engage them in learning about potential technologies that may impact our lives. It incorporates new and adapted interactive devices that will involve visitors in inquiry-based learning about technologies related to frictionless land vehicles, robotic mobility mechanisms, and habitats for living underwater and in space. Broader Impact. The exhibition will reach a large national audience by traveling to the members of the Science Museum Exhibit Collaborative as well as other institutions. Use of popular culture, science fiction and futuristic technology will help attract those who may not be traditional science center visitors. Educational impact will be extended through programming for the public and school groups, including materials for institutions that do not host the exhibition, along with a website.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

Summative Evaluation of Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination
Lessons from the Museum of Science’s First Multimedia Handheld Tour: The Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination Multimedia Tour - Summative Evaluation
“Life in Translation”: Addressing Deaf Visitors in Museums
Addressing Deaf Visitors with an American Sign Language Multimedia Tour
What Happens After They Leave? Visitors’ Follow Up Behaviors to their Museum of Science Experiences

Team Members

Larry Bell, Principal Investigator, Museum of Science
Janice Crocker, Co-Principal Investigator, Museum of Science


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0307875
Funding Amount: 2738060


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: Engineering | Physics | Space science | Technology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits