STAR Library Education Network: A Hands-on Learning Program for Libraries and Their Communities

September 15th, 2010 - August 31st, 2013 | PROJECT

The STAR Library Education Network: a hands-on learning program for libraries and their communities, (STAR_Net for short) is led by the National Center for Interactive Learning (NCIL) at the Space Science Institute (PI: Paul Dusenbery). STAR stands for Science-Technology, Activities and Resources. Team members include NCIL staff, the American Library Association (ALA), Lunar and Planetary Institute (LPI), and the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP). STAR_Net is developing two comprehensive, informal education programs: Discover Earth and Discover Tech. The project also includes a comprehensive evaluation plan and a research component that explores how public libraries can serve as a STEM learning center in rural, underserved communities. STAR_Net is supported through a grant from the National Science Foundation. The STAR_Net project includes two traveling library exhibits: Discover Earth: A Century of Change and Discover Tech: Engineers Make a World of Difference. The Discover Earth exhibition features interactive, multimedia displays that allow exhibit visitors to interact with digital information in a dynamic way, encouraging new perspectives on our planet. Discover Tech introduces the many extraordinary ways that engineers solve problems to help people and societies around the world. Similar to a science center experience, visitors and families will be able to explore and tinker with their own engineering solutions. A number of STEM activities and resources will be developed by project staff and by other organizations to help librarians and community partners offer a wide variety of programs for their patrons. Besides the traveling exhibits and programs, STAR_Net also includes library staff training (online and in-person) and a Community of Practice (CoP) for librarians (including non-host librarians) to interact and partner with STEM professionals and organizations. NCI's Kate Haley Goldman and staff from Evaluation and Research Associates are conducting the project's evaluation.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products
Poster - STAR Library Education Network (STAR_Net)
Public Libraries as Places for STEM Learning: An Exploratory Interview Study with Eight Librarians
STAR_Net Summative Evaluation Report
Spotlight: Star_Net
STAR_Network: Library Education for Rural Communities presentation
The STEM Education Movement in Public Libraries
The Accidental STEM Librarian: An Exploratory Interview Study with Eight Librarians

Team Members

Paul Dusenbery, Principal Investigator, Space Science Institute
Stephanie Shipp, Co-Principal Investigator, Space Science Institute
Lisa Curtis, Co-Principal Investigator, Space Science Institute


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 1010844
Funding Amount: 2495325


Audience: Elementary School Children (6-10) | Families | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Engineering | Geoscience and geography | Technology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Library Exhibits | Library Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs | Resource Centers and Networks