August 1st, 2018 - July 31st, 2021 | PROJECT
NYBG seeks an Implementation Grant for the exhibition, Roberto Burle Marx: Modern Nature of Brazil (June 8-September 29, 2019), the exhibition’s travel to two additional venues, and a two-year public humanities position. Burle Marx is one of the most significant Brazilian artists of the 20th century and his work has had a lasting impact on landscape design around the world. This project will explore the deep connections between Burle Marx’s fine art and landscape architecture practice and his commitment to the celebration and preservation of native Brazilian plants. It will be the first show to combine a large-scale horticultural tribute to Burle Marx’s Brazilian modernist landscape design work with a curated exhibition showcasing his significant fine art works. The exhibition will also include smaller exhibitions on Brazilian plants and the Sitio Burle Marx. It will be complemented by self-guided tours, a mobile guide, and public and children’s education programs.
Project Website(s)
(no project website provided)
Team Members
Joanna Groarke, Principal Investigator, New York Botanical GardenFunders
Funding Source: NEH
Funding Program: Exhibitions: Implementation
Award Number: GI-261125-18
Funding Amount: $460,000
Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Art | music | theater | Ecology | forestry | agriculture
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Parks | Outdoor | Garden Exhibits