June 1st, 2022 - May 31st, 2025 | PROJECT
Partnering with NASA’s Kennedy Space Center Swampworks (KSC), City of Orlando’s Grand Avenue neighborhood community center (City of Orlando), Florida Recreation & Park Association (FRPA), and the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA), Orlando Science Center (OSC) has created a broad partnership with national reach that generates, implements, and evaluates (1) a series of weekly authentic STEM engagement opportunities focused on space exploration and space science in alignment with ARTEMIS and NASA’s Communication Themes (Humans in Space & Moon to Mars) for underrepresented elementary school students (grades 4 & 5) from underserved communities across the City of Orlando, (2) a new engineering design challenge (EDC) for community center-Science Center teams that can be scaled in Year 3 nationwide, (3) engagement of families during the EDC showcase and KSC and OSC’s Family Science Night, and (4) innovative STEM professional training for City of Orlando’s informal educators to bolster confidence in STEM facilitation.
This work has established a new partnership between OSC and neighboring NASA KSC, increasing the capacity of OSC to leverage and utilize NASA resources for informal education in the region. The EDC has enabled underserved and underrepresented participants to work together to authentically contribute to NASA’s ARTEMIS mission using virtual engineering platforms like TinkerCAD, real-world materials and supplies, and evidence-based engineering design to create a solution to a problem identified by NASA KSC Swampworks that astronauts engaged in the ARTEMIS mission may face as they live in space or head from the Moon to Mars. We are overcoming a recognized barrier to accessing STEM education identified in our community (transportation) by taking expertise and resources into a community center that is a hub for underserved neighborhoods to feature Project-Based, Hands-On Learning within a diverse cultural context using the Science Capital Teaching Approach and Evidence-Based education strategies to meet the needs of our target audience through grassroots informal STEM education.
Project Website(s)
Team Members
Emily Duguid, Co-Principal Investigator, Orlando Science CenterFunders
Funding Source: NASA
Funding Program: Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II)
Award Number: 80NSSC22M0101
Funding Amount: $795,000
Access and Inclusion: Ethnic | Racial | Low Socioeconomic Status | Urban
Audience: Educators | Teachers | Elementary School Children (6-10) | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Parents | Caregivers
Discipline: Education and learning science | Engineering | General STEM | Mathematics | Nature of science | Space science | Technology
Resource Type: Projects
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Community Outreach Programs | Informal | Formal Connections | K-12 Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs