October 1st, 2006 - September 30th, 2012 | PROJECT
"Local Investigations of Natural Science (LIONS)" engages grade 5-8 students from University City schools, Missouri in structured out-of-school programs that provide depth and context for their regular classroom studies. The programs are led by district teachers. A balanced set of investigations engage students in environmental research, computer modeling, and advanced applications of mathematics. Throughout, the artificial boundary between classroom and community is bridged as students use the community for their studies and resources from local organizations are brought into school. Through these projects, students build interest and awareness of STEM-related career opportunities and the academic preparation needed for success.
Project Website(s)
(no project website provided)
Project Products
The Local Investigations of Natural Science (LIONS)
Team Members
Robert Coulter, Principal Investigator, Missouri Botanical GardenEric Klopfer, Co-Principal Investigator
Jere Confrey, Former Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ITEST
Award Number: 0639638
Funding Amount: $684,529
Audience: Educators | Teachers | Elementary School Children (6-10) | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Computing and information science | Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Mathematics
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Informal | Formal Connections | K-12 Programs | Public Programs