October 1st, 2011 - September 30th, 2014 | PROJECT
The four New England museums of the Environmental Exhibit Lab (EEC) set out in the Fall of 2011 to create a replicable model of collaborative professional development for small museums. At small institutions, impending deadlines, budget and staffing limitations, and professional isolation all too often get in the way of true innovation. The goal of Exhibit Lab was to help staff who, though conversant with current museum theory, sometimes struggle to apply that theory to their daily work, or to disseminate these ideas through an institution. Exhibit Lab relied on a carefully crafted mix of meetings, workshops and staff exchanges, a combination of outside experts and peer-to-peer mentoring, to foster a community of practitioners, engaged in collaborative learning-by-doing. In short, the participants created a "virtual department" in which we came to rely as quickly on our peers in a partner museum as quickly as we would to a co-worker down the hall had we worked in a larger museum. The Exhibit Lab project focused on the work of the Exhibit and Program/Education staffs, but we feel that the project model holds lessons for other museum departments, and for museums outside the Children's and Science museum sphere.
Project Website(s)
(no project website provided)
Project Products
Environmental Exhibit Collaborative (EEC) Final Evaluation
Case Study - Exhibit Lab: a Project of the Environmental Exhibit Collaborative
Team Members
Worcester Natural History Society dba EcoTarium, ContributorBetsy Loring, Project Manager, EcoTarium
Alexander Goldowsky, Former Co-Principal Investigator, EcoTarium
Suzanne Olson, Co-Principal Investigator, Children's Museum and Theatre of Maine
Chris Sullivan, Contributor, Children's Museum and Theater of Maine
Phelan Fretz, Co-Principal Investigator, ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center
Julie Silverman, Contributor, ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center
Neil Gordon, Principal Investigator, The Discovery Museums
Denise LeBlanc, Contributor, The Discovery Museums
Joseph P. Cox, Co-Principal Investigator, EcoTarium
Funding Source: IMLS
Award Number: MP-00-11-0049-11
Funding Amount: 308169
Audience: Families | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Aquarium and Zoo Exhibits | Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits | Parks | Outdoor | Garden Exhibits | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Resource Centers and Networks