October 29th, 2013
The National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Program FY14 Solicitation (NSF 13-608) was released on September 30, 2013. AISL Program Officers are holding two types of webinars focused on this solicitation: AISL Webinar – 101 Introduction to the Solicitation: focuses on the key elements of the solicitation, including changes and new components. This webinar is repeated three times. (The content is the same; there is no need to attend more than one webinar of this type.) The webinars will be held:
- November 1, 2013, 1pm Eastern
- November 6, 2013, 12pm Eastern
- November 12, 2013, 3pm Eastern
AISL Webinar – 102 Digging Deeper into the Solicitation: provides background and more depth related to key elements. It also addresses commonly asked questions compiled from 101 webinars. This webinar is repeated twice. (The content is the same; there is no need to attend more than one webinar of this type.)
- November 21, 2013, 1pm Eastern
- December 3, 2013, 3pm Eastern
Please register in advance using the links provided on the AISL FY14 Solicitation Webinar Series event page on the NSF website. If you have a disability and need reasonable accommodations to participate in and/or access the webinar, please send requests for accommodations a week before the event to DRLAISL@nsf.gov. AISL anticipates posting an archive of one of each of the webinar types after approximately November 20 (AISL 101) and December 10 (AISL 102) on the AISL homepage as well as on InformalScience.org.