JCOM Call for Papers

The Journal of Science Communication (JCOM) invites researchers to submit papers for a special issue on the History of science communication. Invited editors for this issue are: Luisa Massarani (Museum of Life, House of Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz, Brazil), Ildeu de Castro Moreira (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Bruce Lewenstein (Cornell University, United States). … Read more

Remembering David Lustick

It is with great sadness that CAISE notes and mourns the passing of Dr. David Lustick this summer. David was an Associate Professor of Science Education at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell, a 2015 White House Champion of Change awardee and a long-time National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program Principal Investigator. David’s … Read more

Survey: Professional Development to Build Capacity and Diversify Leadership in ISE Broadening Participation Efforts

The Research+Practice Collaboratory has created a short — 7 questions! — survey to determine whether there is interest in a professional development program for mid-career informal STEM education (ISE) professionals whose work focuses on broadening participation in STEM. The Collaboratory would love your input on the design and need for this program, and whether you would be interested … Read more

Join CAISE at the 2016 ASTC Annual Conference

Are you planning to attend the 2016 Association of Science-Techology Centers (ASTC) Conference? Use the opportunity to connect with CAISE staff and co-PIs attending the conference to discuss proposals or projects you are developing and to learn more about CAISE’s future work. Visit us in the Resource Center in the Exhibit Hall, attend a CAISE … Read more

Dear Colleague Letter: Nationwide Search for Division Director for the Division of Undergraduate Education

The Directorate for Education and Human Resources announces a nationwide search to fill the position of Division Director, Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE) in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR). The mission of EHR is to provide the research foundation to develop a diverse science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)-literate public and a … Read more

Call for Submissions: Science Communication and Broad Societal Change

The international journal Science Communication: Linking Theory and Practice is seeking papers for a special issue on Science Communication and Broad Societal Change. From the call for papers: Increasingly, government funding for scientific research requires that research to have a broad societal impact. Researchers often propose to achieve this impact at least in part through … Read more

IMLS Seeks Nation’s Top Museums and Libraries for 2017 National Medal

Each year, the Institute of Museum and Library Services presents select museums and libraries with the nation’s highest honor, the National Medal for Museum and Library Service. The award recognizes libraries and museums that make significant and exceptional contributions in service to their communities. IMLS is now accepting nominations for the 2017 awards. Anyone–an employee, a … Read more

Math in the Making: Q&A with Andee Rubin & Scott Pattison

Andee Rubin, Senior Scientist at TERC, has done research and development in the fields of mathematics education, educational technology, and informal learning for over 30 years.  She is particularly interested in how mathematical reasoning can be fostered in informal environments by a combination of thoughtful design and expert facilitation. Scott Pattison, Ph.D., is a researcher … Read more

SAVE THE DATE! 2016 NSF Video Showcase: Advancing STEM Learning for All

On May 17th – 23rd, 2016, more than 150 projects will showcase three-minute videos of their innovative work broadening participation and access to STEM. Researchers, practitioners, administrators, policy makers and the general public are invited to view the videos and to interact with each of the presenters online. To participate, visit: http://stemforall2016.videohall.com/