Exhibit Design and Informal STEM Learning: Q&A with Paul Orselli

Paul Orselli is President and Chief Instigator at Paul Orselli Workshop. He writes extensively about museum exhibit design and development on his blog, ExhibiTricks. We recently interviewed him on the intersections of informal STEM learning, science communication, and museum exhibits.  [CAISE] What role does/can exhibit design play in communicating science? [PO] Good exhibit design can be both intuitive … Read more

Apply for the ASTC Diversity and Leadership Development Fellowship

Applications are now available for ASTC’s Diversity and Leadership Development Fellowship! This program supports the professional growth and advancement of science center professionals from ethnic/racial minority backgrounds, with disabilities, and those who identify as LGBTQIA. Chosen Fellows are awarded a scholarship to attend ASTC’s 2017 Annual Conference in San Jose, CA.  We encourage all future leaders … Read more

Call for Submissions for Summer 2017 SECEIJ Issue

The National Center for Science and Civic Engagement (NCSCE) is now accepting contributions for the Summer issue of Science Education And Civic Engagement: An International Journal. SECEIJ is a peer-reviewed publication devoted to civically engaged teaching and learning in STEM in both formal and informal settings. It accepts research articles,  project reports, literature, book, and exhibition reviews, … Read more

CAISE Webinar: Informal STEM Learning Resources for Zoos & Aquariums

Looking for resources to help develop an evaluation plan, reference what others have learned, or better navigate the evaluation process in informal STEM learning settings? This webinar, a collaboration between the Association of Zoos & Aquariums (AZA) and the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE), will introduce zoo and aquarium educators and other … Read more

VSA Announces 2017 Call for Posters

The Visitor Studies Association (VSA) is pleased to announce its 2017 Call for Posters. The deadline for submission is April 7, 2017. The VSA Conference, with the theme New Pathways in Visitor Studies, will take place July 18-22, 2017 in Columbus, Ohio.

Help showcase NSF staff and NSF-supported women working in STEM & STEM Education!

The National Science Foundation (NSF) wants to feature the stories of NSF staff and NSF-supported women who are working in STEM and STEM education, and is hoping you can help by telling your story. Head to NSF’s Instagram (@nsfgov), follow their account and then share your story. Take a field photo (or selfie!) and tell NSF in 1-2 sentences … Read more

Springer Announces Journal of Formative Design in Learning

Springer has announced a new journal, The Journal of Formative Design in Learning, which will present original papers that inform the study and practice of education and training, including evaluation reports. The Journal of Formative Design in Learning is currently accepting submissions. All articles published by the journal will be available for free during 2017 and … Read more

Upcoming NSF STEM+C Solicitation Webinars

Join Arlene deStrulle and STEM+C Program Officers in a discussion of NSF’s STEM+C Solicitation and Awards (Proposal Deadline March 29). RSVP Now! Integrating Computational Thinking And Computing In Pre-K-12 STEM Teaching And Learning This webinar will be held multiple times in the coming months and are free and open to the public. To RSVP, click on one … Read more

The Year in Informal Science Education: Milestones in STEM Learning 2016

Thank you from CAISE for your nominations and suggestions for notable events, publications and developments in informal STEM learning in 2016. Among those that rose to the top include: The National Park Service/National Geographic Learning Summit and the Every Kid in the Park initiative To help engage and create the next generation of park visitors, … Read more