Broader Impacts 2.0: Helping Scientists Navigate The New NSF Grant Proposal Guide

In October 2012, the National Science Foundation (NSF) updated their Grant Proposal Guide (GPG) for the first time in 15 years. Part of this major revision was updated language to reflect significant changes in how NSF panelists, reviewers, and program officers will evaluate STEM research proposals’ broader impacts plan. To help proposers understand these revisions, … Read more

NSF Advancing Informal Stem Learning Program Solicitation

The National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program solicitation is currently being revised for 2014 and will provide a deadline for full proposals; however, it will not include a deadline or any requirements relating to Preliminary Proposals or Letters of Intent as it has over past years. For more information see: .

National Science Foundation Funding Announcement Directorate For Education

A new funding opportunity is available from the National Science Foundation. The EHR Core Research (ECR) program establishes a mechanism in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) to provide funding in foundational research areas that are broad, essential and enduring. EHR seeks proposals that will help synthesize, build and/or expand research foundations in … Read more

National Science Foundation FY 2014 Budget Request

The National Science Foundation (NSF) released its FY 2014 Budget Request. For more information relating to the interests of the informal science education field in the NSF budget – and those at other federal agencies who provide support for the field – please visit the Government Relations section of the ASTC website at and … Read more

NSF Materials Research Science And Engineering Centers (MRSEC) Opportunities

The National Science Foundation has released a new solicitation for the Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) that contains opportunities for informal science educators to support, work, or partner with MRSECs. Partnership opportunities could include work such as: “Promotion of the integration of research and education, and development of effective education/outreach activities that are … Read more

Science Learning+ Q&A Session Networking Opportunities Available

Recently, CAISE shared a new opportunity from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and Wellcome Trust (among other partners) called Science Learning+. The NSF will have several opportunities over the coming weeks for proposers to learn more about Science Learning+, and to begin developing partners and networks to include in the Science Learning+ Planning Proposals due … Read more

Teleconferences With AISL Program Officers

National Science Foundation Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Program Officers will be hosting teleconferences to answer questions from prospective Principal Investigators and others about the new AISL solicitation (15-593). Choose the date most convenient for your schedule- either Tuesday, Sept. 22nd from 2-3 pm EASTERN TIME or Tuesday Sept. 29, from 3-4 pm EASTERN TIME. … Read more

Funding Opportunity NASA CP4SMPVC

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a call for proposals to the Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums, and NASA Visitor Centers Plus Other Opportunities (CP4SMPVC+). From NASA: The NASA Office of Education invites proposals from museums, science centers, planetariums, NASA Visitor Centers, youth-serving organizations, and other formal and informal education institutions via … Read more

Dear Colleague Letter Support For Engaging Students And The Public In Polar Research

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a Dear Colleague letter to encourage proposals that integrate the use of data from polar regions into undergraduate education and informal STEM education. From NSF: The Geosciences and Education and Human Resources Directorates are partnering to advance and develop understanding of learning environments that build upon the rich … Read more

EHR Core Research ECR Solicitation

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a new solicitation for the Education and Human Research (EHR) Directorate’s Core Research program (ECR). Proposals are due on September 10, 2015. From NSF: The EHR Core Research (ECR) program of fundamental research in STEM education provides funding in critical research areas that are essential, broad and enduring. … Read more