Funding Opportunity NASA CP4SMPVC

September 10th, 2015

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a call for proposals to the Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums, and NASA Visitor Centers Plus Other Opportunities (CP4SMPVC+). From NASA:

The NASA Office of Education invites proposals from museums, science centers, planetariums, NASA Visitor Centers, youth-serving organizations, and other formal and informal education institutions via this 2015 NASA Research Announcement: Competitive Program for Science Museums, Planetariums and NASA Visitor Centers Plus Other Opportunities (CP4SMPVC+), Announcement Number NNH15ZHA001N. Proposals must be submitted electronically via the NASA proposal data system NSPIRES or Proposers may request a grant or cooperative agreement to support NASA-themed science, technology, engineering or mathematics education, including exhibits, within these congressionally directed topics: space exploration, aeronautics, space science, Earth science or microgravity. CP4SMPVC+ is a competitive, high-quality, national program. The basic goal of the CP4SMPVC+ solicitation is to further NASA Strategic Objective 2.4: “Advance the Nation’s STEM education and workforce pipeline by working collaboratively with other agencies to engage students, teachers, and faculty in NASA’s missions and unique assets.”

Proposals are due on December 7, 2015. For more information, please visit