Bump and Roll Exhibit: Formative Evaluation

October 1st, 2008 | EVALUATION

The Science Museum of Minnesota surveyed 30 museum visitors after they used the Bump and Roll exhibit. This formative testing of the exhibit assessed the activity's ability to teach about nanoscale properties and scientists' uses of them.


(no document provided)

Team Members

Jane Miller, Author, Science Museum of Minnesota
Sarah Cohn, Author, Science Museum of Minnesota


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0532536

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Full Text
Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network


Audience: Evaluators | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Chemistry | Education and learning science | Engineering | Materials science | Physics | Technology
Resource Type: Evaluation Reports | Formative
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits