August 1st, 2024 | EVALUATION
This coding system was developed using categories and codes established across multiple research studies and most recently an NSF-funded evaluation of an early STEM family engagement program called Teaching Together. We provide definitions of codes to promote shared use of these or similar approaches that match early STEM activities relevant to other studies. Others are welcome to use or adapt this coding scheme to fit your research that examines qualities of caregiver-child language. There are two major types of codes: (a) the frequency of individuals' talk about different STEM domains, and (b) the types of utterances used with a focus on categorizing question types observed during the activity.
Team Members
Dana DeMaster, Valerie Bambha, AuthorFunders
Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Advancing Informal STEM Learning
Award Number: 1811356
Related URLs
Teaching Together: Engaging Parents and Preschoolers in STEM Activities & Academic Conversations
Audience: Evaluators
Discipline: Engineering | General STEM | Mathematics
Resource Type: Coding Schema | Evaluation | Research and Evaluation Instruments
Environment Type: Community Outreach Programs | Informal | Formal Connections | Museum and Science Center Programs | Pre-K | Early Childhood Programs