Edit-a-thon at 2016 Visitor Studies Association Conference

April 5th, 2016

The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) will convene an interactive Edit-a-Thon workshop at the 2016 Visitor Studies Association (VSA) Conference this summer in Boston, MA. This free workshop will take place on Saturday, July 23, 2016 from 2-5 PM. Participants will be invited to collaboratively create content for the InformalScience.org Knowledge Base, which is the next iteration of the ISE Evidence Wiki. The Knowledge Base contains brief articles that provide a snapshot into the field’s current knowledge about a variety of informal STEM learning topics, approaches, and audiences. To sign up, please add the Edit-a-Thon — listed under VSA conference workshops — to your VSA conference registration. You can also contact Grace Troxel, Digital Librarian, at GTroxel@astc.org with any questions.