Beyond Rigor Website Launched

November 21st, 2013

Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc. have launched a new website called Beyond Rigor that provides tips to improve evaluation with diverse populations. The project was funded through the Promoting Research and Innovation in Methodologies for Evaluation (PRIME) program in the Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings at the National Science Foundation (stay tuned for the next PRIME solicitation on the funding calendar).

The website is designed to:

  • Make the data collection process more inclusive and accurate
  • Make analysis of quantitative and qualitative data more rigorous and better at determining “what works for whom in what context”
  • Make collected data more responsive to project/program, stakeholder, and funder goals and needs, and
  • Help program officers and reviewers better critique evaluation plans and assess how well evaluations are working.


The site also includes information designed to better understand the role of context and better understand how factors such as participant gender, disability and military service can influence what data should be collected and how.