White House Maker Faire

June 16th, 2014

On Wednesday, June 18, President Obama will host the first ever White House Maker Faire and meet with students, entrepreneurs and everyday citizens who are using new tools and techniques to launch new businesses, learn vital skills in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), and fuel the renaissance in American manufacturing. The President will also announce new steps the Administration and its partners are taking to support the ability of more Americans, young and old, to have to access to these tools and techniques and brings their ideas to life. In addition to the Makers at the White House event, June 18 will be a nationwide Day of Making for communities across America to share and celebrate their involvement in the Maker Movement.

You can participate virtually by Tweeting using #NationOfMakers and sharing the announcement blog and video.

If you’re new to the world of making, be sure to check out the White House’s 5 Questions on Making or take a look at the ISE Evidence Wiki Makerspaces and STEM Learning page