Science communication workshop for polar researchers

polar workshop

October 16th, 2018

Good science storytelling is a powerful way to bring public attention to remote areas like the polar regions. Stories about the changing poles are common, but don’t capture the complexity of the data. 

Polar scientists at any stage of their career are invited to “Polar-izing your Science Impacts: Turn your Research into Science Stories and Take Science Stories to the Classroom,” a workshop hosted by the University of Delaware and Rutgers University on January 9 to 11, 2019 at the University of Delaware.

The workshop features Ari Daniel, Senior Digital Producer at NOVA and independent science reporter Josh Kurz, a film producer and principal of Tilapia Films. 

During the workshop, participants will:

  • Present their latest polar science research.
  • Learn science communication skills and techniques.
  • Receive (university) classroom ready, pre-packed polar science modules complete with video tutorials.
  • Participate in a journal manuscript on creating and critically analyzing polar science stories with available databases.
  • Participate in the continued development of the Polar Literacy Principles.

Application and travel support

A limited number of travel funds/scholarships are available for advanced graduate student applicants. And a $300 stipend is available for participants who develop media products about their research for Polar Interdisciplinary Coordinated Education (Polar ICE). Only 40 scientists will be selected for participation, and applications are due December 1, 2018Apply here.