Selling science in a soap selling style?

September 21st, 2006 | RESEARCH

It’s hard to be a science journalist these days. Still tired because of the “Long night of Science“ (probably the 6th during this summer) he or she is informed about the next “Children’s University days” and another “girls day” coming soon – alongside the daily zapping through the 50 press releases of the informationsdienst wissenschaft (are there really 50 newsworthy things happening every day in the labs of every European country?), not to speak of the dozens of press packages and glossy brochures of the pharmaceutical industry as well as the test kits of new products like a tongue cleaner (of which the phenomenal results are – of course – “scientifically proved”). In 2006 a journalist sometimes would wish that science communicators would communicate a little bit less – giving himself a little bit more time to find his own stories – just by himself.


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Team Members

Holger Wormer, Author, University of Dortmund


Identifier Type: ISSN
Identifier: 1824-2049

Publication: Journal of Science Communication
Volume: 5
Number: 3

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Audience: General Public | Scientists
Discipline: General STEM
Resource Type: Mass Media Article | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Comics | Books | Newspapers | Media and Technology | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media