Professional Identity Development of Teacher Candidates Participating in an Informal Science Education Internship: A focus on drawings as evidence

August 26th, 2010 | RESEARCH

This study investigated the professional identity development of teacher candidates participating in an informal afterschool science internship in a formal science teacher preparation programme. We used a qualitative research methodology. Data were collected from the teacher candidates, their informal internship mentors, and the researchers. The data were analysed through an identity development theoretical framework, informed by participantsā€™ mental models of science teaching and learning. We learned that the experience in an afterschool informal internship encouraged the teacher candidates to see themselves, and to be seen by others, as enacting key recommendations by science education standards documents, including exhibiting: positive attitudes, sensitivity to diversity, and increasing confidence in facilitating handsā€on science participation, inquiry, and collaborative work. Our study provided evidence that the infusion of an informal science education internship in a formal science teacher education programme influenced positively participantsā€™ professional identity development as science teachers.


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Team Members

University of Maryland College Park, Contributor
Phyllis Katz, Author, University of Maryland College Park
J. Randy McGinnis, Author, University of Maryland College Park
Emily Hestness, Author, University of Maryland College Park
Kelly Riedinger, Author, University of Maryland College Park
Gili Marbach-Ad, Author, University of Maryland College Park
Amy Dai, Author, University of Maryland College Park
Rebecca Pease, Author, University of Maryland College Park

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Audience: Educators | Teachers
Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM
Resource Type: Peer-reviewed article | Research Products
Environment Type: Afterschool Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Programs