Poster: The Studio Cohort Study (quasi-longitudinal method)

July 22nd, 2016 | RESEARCH

The Studio is a small change-ready exhibit space embedded within the Wellbody Academy, a 7,000 ft2 permanent exhibit on health and wellness. The Studio showcases up-to-date research on topics like genetics, epidemiology, and allergies and features the labs and work of scientists in the Seattle area.

The purpose of the cohort study was to provide objective feedback to exhibit developers as they experimented with finding the best balance of information and interactives for the space considering the time and budget available. This poster explains a bit about The Studio exhibits that were created and describes the 36 family groups that participated in at 2.5 year study. This quasi-longitudinal method was extremely effective and resulted in much iterative feedback from a stable visitor group for the exhibit development team.



Team Members

Chris Cadenhead, Evaluator, Pacific Science Center


Funding Source: NIH
Funding Program: SEPA
Award Number: 5R25OD011148

Related URLs

Out of the Lab and Into the Spotlight: Bringing Current Health Research to the Public


Audience: Evaluators | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists
Discipline: Health and medicine
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits