Notes on Distance Learning for Informal Settings White Paper #2: A literature review of best practice considerations for distance education

July 31st, 2023 | RESEARCH

This literature review is funded in part by a grant from the National Science Foundation #1713567 and prepared for Indiana University as part of a larger project entitled Data Visualization Literacy: Research and Tools that Advance Public Understanding of Scientific Data, Dr. Katy Börner, Principal Investigator. This white paper is one of three of a larger review. The larger review consists of three components starting with a white paper background section exploring definitions, the history of distance education, and the technologies used for distance education over time. This second white paper explores best practice considerations most widely employed in distance education. The third white paper focuses on the applied evaluation of distance education programs and the transferability of these approaches in informal science learning institutions for program improvement and that are appropriate for determining efficacy of teaching on behalf of the organization and the learner. 

Best practices in a field are approaches that have been tested and have been generally accepted, prescribed, or adapted as being correct or most effective. Since distance education has evolved over time and continues to evolve, and most recently been influenced and challenged by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is the position of the authors that the literature is not yet clear or definitive on what it can confidently state about what are tested best practices in distance education, especially when it comes to informal learning environments. However, after scanning the literature regarding distance education, the authors have identified practices that need to be, or should be, considered for quality distance education practices to result in desired or positive learning outcomes. These include 1) the importance of organization, vision, and planning when designing and implementing distance education programs and learning opportunities, 2) the role of educators and facilitators, 3) instructional approaches, 4) the learning environment, including creating a sense of presence, 5) motivating learners, 6) importance of learner social development, 7) technical support, 8) learner support, and 9) the importance of evaluating implementation and outcomes.



Team Members

Gary M. Timko, Author, COSI's Center for Research and Evaluation
Joe E Heimlich, Author, COSI's Center for Research and Evaluation
Donnelley (Dolly) Hayde, Author, COSI's Center for Research and Evaluation


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Award Number: 1713567
Funding Amount: $1,355,236

Related URLs

Data Visualization Literacy: Research and Tools that Advance Public Understanding of Scientific Data


Audience: Educators | Teachers | Learning Researchers | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | Technology
Resource Type: Literature Review | Research
Environment Type: Informal | Formal Connections | K-12 Programs | Media and Technology | Museum and Science Center Programs