January 1st, 2002 | RESEARCH
Traditionally, collaborative technologies are intended to directly support joint, collaborative activity, taking their cues from communication and media. Here, empirical findings are presented about the types of information needs associated with the formation of a knowledge-building community among professional learning technology researchers. Several issues are outlined in designing, facilitating, supporting, and measuring knowledge-building activity in such as community of practice. It is argued that, rather than communication tools, a knowledge-building community is better served by knowledge-networking tools that support individual information needs (both social and topical) relevant to participating in the community.
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Team Members
Christopher Hoadley, Author, SRI InternationalRoy Pea, Author, SRI International
Publication: Building virtual communities: Learning and change in cyberspace
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Audience: Educators | Teachers | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | General STEM | Social science and psychology | Technology
Resource Type: Edited Chapter | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Informal | Formal Connections | Media and Technology | Public Programs | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media