July 17th, 2013 | RESEARCH
During this session at the 2013 Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference the authors discussed our preliminary framework for addressing the question of how to evaluate an evaluation. The three-part framework—(1) Worth of the Intervention, (2) Appropriateness of the Evaluation Study, and (3) Usefulness for Stakeholders—comprises a set of criteria for evaluating summative evaluations. The authors shared early impressions from in-progress work on practical applications of the framework, solicited feedback on the framework, and brainstormed ideas for innovative evaluation tools and measures. Potential discussion questions included: In what ways does this framework help facilitate progress toward innovative yet rigorous evaluation in informal science education (ISE)? How might this framework be used in practical ways for decision-making and knowledge building? What are its limitations? What new tools and measures are needed for ISE evaluation?
Team Members
Lisa Peterson, Author, Screenscope, Inc.Alice Fu, Author, SK Partners, Inc.
Richard Shavelson, Contributor, SK Partners
Amy Kurpius, Contributor, SK Partners
Archana Kannan, Contributor, SK Partners
Related URLs
Enhancing Informal Science Learning Initiatives: Developing Measurement and Evaluation Capacities
Audience: Evaluators | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science
Resource Type: Conference Proceedings | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops