Engaging Engineering Experts: Program Descriptions

February 26th, 2020 | RESEARCH

This is an overview of the programs hosted by the Chicago Children's Musuem (CCM) and the Evanston Public Library (EPL). There were a total of eight programs at the CCM:

  1. "Making Stringed Instruments" with Dustin, head of Tinkering School Chicago
  2. "Making Swing Sets" with Dan, a mechanical engineer
  3. "Making Fan-Powered Cars" with Jason, a mechanical engineer and co-founder of Project SYNCERE
  4. "Making Wings" with Anna, a costume engineer
  5. "Wired Up" a project involving circuits with Jason, a mechanical engineer and co-founder of Project SYNCERE
  6. "Robots and Dirt" a project using robots to move ground materials with Anna, a geotechnical engineering graduate student
  7. "Science of Slides" with Adrianne, a structural engineer
  8. "Bicycle Engineering" with Alex, a bike shop owner. 

There were seven projects hosted by the EPL:

  1. "Making Card Towers" with Karen, a librarian with an engineering educational background
  2. "Making Balloon Powered Cars" with Nic, an engineering graduate student 
  3. "Makeblock mBot" with Kim, a nuclear engineer
  4. "Makey-Makey Electric Music" with Kaia and Melissa, two undergraduate engineering students
  5. "Wired Up" a project involving circuits with Jason, a mechanical engineer and co-founder of Project SYNCERE
  6. "Science of Slides" with Adrianne, a structural engineer
  7. "Bicycle Engineering" with Alex, a bike shop owner. 

This document is part of the IMLS Report for 2020. 



Team Members

Catherine Haden, Author, Loyola University Chicago
Graciela Solis, Author, Loyola University Chicago


Funding Source: IMLS
Funding Program: STEMeX
Award Number: MG-77-16-0118-16
Funding Amount: $717,816.00

Related URLs

EEE: Engaging Engineering Experts


Audience: Families | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists
Discipline: Engineering
Resource Type: Reference Materials | Report
Environment Type: Library Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs