Dialogue is bliss

March 21st, 2008 | RESEARCH

The practice of dialogue does not erase the conflicts that can be found upon solid diverging interests. But conflicts are not forcedly a trauma. More then an impossible abolition of diversity, it is important to promote a practice that helps everybody to express their own point of view looking for socially sustainable solution between the parts. But according to Sturloni, «Even in that case: not a dialogue meant to achieve a utopian unitary view able to level all divergences, but to allow the expression of different perspectives and of legitimate interests. The final aim should be to make a choice shared as much as possible within the legal system of a democratic country».


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Team Members

Giancarlo Sturloni, Author, University of Trieste


Identifier Type: ISSN
Identifier: 1824-2049

Publication: Journal of Science Communication
Volume: 7
Number: 1

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Audience: Administration | Leadership | Policymakers | General Public | Scientists
Discipline: General STEM | Technology
Resource Type: Mass Media Article | Reference Materials
Environment Type: Media and Technology | Public Programs