Relating Research To Practice Launches New Website

May 30th, 2013

Relating Research to Practice (RR2P) is a free, open-access website containing dozens of short summaries of current education research relevant to the informal science education field. All research briefs are sortable and searchable by keywords and topic areas that help both researchers and practitioners conceptualize and contextualize their work. These briefs are also available for search via the website. Expanded RR2P content includes: new hot topics; research briefs that address implications for practice and the theoretical basis of summarized findings; and a resource spotlight feature for new policy reports. RR2P will continue to load new content on a monthly basis and notify users via email digests, Facebook, and Twitter. RR2P is funded by NSF and developed by the Exploratorium’s Center for Informal Learning and Schools (CILS), in collaboration with researcher-practitioners from the Exploratorium, the Learning in Informal and Formal Environments (LIFE) Center at the University of Washington, King’s College London, and the Afterschool Alliance. Visit the RR2P website at