Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey

January 1st, 2009 - January 1st, 2009 | PROJECT

DEC conducts the Summer Wild Turkey Sighting Survey annually during the month of August to estimate the average number of wild turkey poults (young of the year) per hen statewide and among major geographic regions of the State. This index allows us to gauge reproductive success in a given year and allows us to predict fall harvest potential. Weather, predation, and habitat conditions during the breeding and brood-rearing seasons can all significantly impact nest success, hen survival, and poult survival. During the month of August, Department staff and volunteers record the sex and age composition of all flocks of wild turkeys observed during normal travel. If you would like to participate in this survey, please visit the DEC web page.

Project Website(s)

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Project Products

Team Members

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Contributor, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation


Audience: General Public
Discipline: Life science | Nature of science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Citizen Science Programs | Public Programs