A Series of Environmental Exhibits by Exploratorium Artists in Residence…

June 15th, 1992 - November 30th, 1994 | PROJECT

The Exploratorium requests support for four nationally recognized installation artists to develop scientifically relevant, interactive exhibits that will model the movements of waves, clouds, and flowing water and their interplay on and with the Earth's surface. By manipulating or enhancing the behavior of these simulated elemental forces, changing their scale or the perspective from which they are observed, or slowing down or speeding up their natural processes, the artists can bring out characteristics not easily observed, normally. Cross- referenced to other Exploratorium exhibits, these pieces will form the center of a subset of exhibits on the physics of fluid motion and the interaction of elemental forces. They will serve as a starting point for exploring the physical conditions that can cause and support the natural phenomena modeled by the artists. We will develop two different kinds of dissemination materials: 1) A publication for museum professionals, addressing the use of art in presenting science to the public. 2) Printed guides which will designate environmentally relevant exhibits at the Exploratorium dealing with aspects fluid movements in nature. These new "Pathways" will be intended for children and will be made available to students coming on Field Trips and the general public. They will be produced in coordination with two other Pathways on Energy and distributed in packets entitled "Energy and the Environment."

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Thomas Humphrey, Principal Investigator, Exploratorium
Peter Richards, Co-Principal Investigator, Exploratorium


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 9155291
Funding Amount: 304352


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: Art | music | theater | Geoscience and geography | Physics
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops