Science of Nanoscale Systems and their Device Applications NSEC

October 1st, 2006 - September 30th, 2012 | PROJECT

This Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center (NSEC) is a collaboration among Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Californiaā€”Santa Barbara, and the Museum of Scienceā€”Boston with participation by Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), the University of Basel (Switzerland), the University of Tokyo (Japan), and the Brookhaven, Oak Ridge, and the Sandia National Laboratories. The NSEC combines "top down" and "bottom up" approaches to construct novel electronic and magnetic devices with nanoscale sizes and understand their behavior, including quantum phenomena. Through a close integration of research, education, and public outreach, the Center encourages and promotes the training of a diverse group of people to be leaders in this new interdisciplinary field.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

The Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show

Team Members

Robert Westervelt, Principal Investigator, Harvard University
Bertrand Halperin, Co-Principal Investigator, Department of Physics


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: Physics--Other
Award Number: 0646094
Funding Amount: 10342050


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists
Discipline: Chemistry | Computing and information science | Engineering | Physics | Technology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Community Outreach Programs | Museum and Science Center Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Public Programs | Resource Centers and Networks