The River Ganga — A Radio Series

January 10th, 2004 - December 31st, 2007 | PROJECT

Independent Broadcasting Associates, Inc., is producing a series of twelve radio features for National Public newsmagazines about the Ganges river basin in South Asia. The purpose of this series is to examine the relationships between science and culture as they converge and diverge over issues concerning the Ganga: through (a) examination of the ecology of the river in two key areas; and (b) study of the relationships between scientific and religious attitudes applied to the environmental issues raised in both reaches of the river. The radio series is complemented by a Web site and extensive educational outreach through 11 state Geographic Alliances, an AP Environmental Science module and a pilot Virtual River program developed and tested in collaboration with the Museum of Science in Boston.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

Formative Evaluation of the Ganga Website
Ganga Summative Evaluation

Team Members

Julian Crandall Hollick, Principal Investigator, Independent Broadcasting Associates, Inc.
Kelly Alley, Co-Principal Investigator, Auburn University
Vinod Tare, Co-Principal Investigator, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
RK Sinha, Co-Principal Investigator, Patna University
Graham Chapman, Co-Principal Investigator, Independent Broadcasting Associates, Inc.


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0337128
Funding Amount: 671849


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Geoscience and geography | Social science and psychology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Community Outreach Programs | Informal | Formal Connections | K-12 Programs | Media and Technology | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media