Planning an Informal Science Education Program at the University of California, Davis

August 1st, 1995 - July 31st, 1997 | PROJECT

The University of California, Davis will use this planning grant "Planning an Informal Science Education Program at the University of California, Davis" to redefine its relationship with and responsibilities toward the public. Outreach for them is being viewed as a interaction between public needs and interests and the university. Leadership will be provided by a committee of university faculty and an advisory board consisting of external university museum and science education professsionals will meet with project directors twice during the year. Together they will examine the regional science education needs, the existing public education activities at UCD, and investigate the potential for establishing a comprehensive informal science program. Among other things this will include the coalescing of various scientific collections (geology, entomology, anthropology, the botanical and arboretum collections) and their respective independent educational programming into a regional science education network. Advisors will include members of the UCD faculty and administrators as well as individuals representing external university museum and science education experts.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Joyce Gutstein, Principal Investigator, University of California-Davis
Lynn Kimsey, Co-Principal Investigator, University of California-Davis


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 9550372
Funding Amount: 49374


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Geoscience and geography | Life science | Social science and psychology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Community Outreach Programs | Higher Education Programs | Informal | Formal Connections | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Public Programs | Resource Centers and Networks