NOVA: Leading Edge

June 10th, 2003 - February 29th, 2008 | PROJECT

WGBH is producing twelve quarterly television magazine-format programs devoted to the public understanding of current scientific research. The programs will consider the significant areas of on-going research, present the scientists who are conducting the research, portray research as an on-going endeavor and discuss the social impact and ethical implications of major areas of research. Each program will include segments such as the following: Research news update - (5 to 7 mins.) Feature stories about on-going research - 3 (8 to 12 min. each) In-studio discussions following many of the feature stories - ethical, policy and social implications Point/Counterpoint - 2 commentators presenting social, ethical, political and economic aspects of research "Then and Now" segments showing changing nature of scientific research In-studio demonstrations Interstitial moments -- Showcases of interesting and surprising aspects of research Close -- update stories from previous programs, read viewers' input or answer viewers' questions, preview upcoming story. In addition, WGBH will produce three one-hour "Year in Review" programs that report what major research has occurred over the past year and puts it in a context that will help viewers understand the role of current research in all aspects of life. Other major components of the project include on-going collaborations with other Public Understanding of Research Projects, an interactive web site, communication training for scientists to help them explain their work to the public, "Science Cafes" with on-going public programs about cutting-edge research in informal settings, a resource guide for teachers, "Leading Edge" articles in magazines targeted to teens, a "Leading Edge" science contest for students conducted through PBS stations and a station resource kit with information about how to establish local collaborations with researchers, science museums, schools and others.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

NOVA scienceNOW: Final Season One Report, Programs One and Two
NOVA scienceNOW: Season Two Summative Evaluation

Team Members

Paula Apsell, Principal Investigator, WGBH
Barbara Flagg, Evaluator, Multimedia Research


Funding Source: NSF
Award Number: 0229297
Funding Amount: 5098289


Audience: Educators | Teachers | General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists | Youth | Teen (up to 17)
Discipline: History | policy | law | Nature of science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Professional Development and Workshops | Public Events and Festivals | Public Programs