National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

August 1st, 2011 - July 31st, 2016 | PROJECT

The Observatory’s “Education and Outreach” (EDU) capability is designed to facilitate the interface between the Observatory and communities of users. Ultimately, our goal is to empower people to effectively use NEON data to enable understanding of continental-scale ecological change over time. To ensure that NEON science/data products are accessible to and usable by diverse communities, including scientists, students, educators, citizen scientists, decision-makers and the interested general public, we provide a suite of online data-centric resources/tools, workshops, a variety of courses, internship/research programs for undergraduates, and citizen science projects.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

Team Members

Wendy Gram, Project Manager, NEON, Inc.


Funding Source: NSF
Award Number: 1029808
Funding Amount: 252375541


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals | Scientists | Undergraduate | Graduate Students
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Education and learning science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Citizen Science Programs | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks | Public Programs | Resource Centers and Networks