Future Earth Initiative

September 1st, 2008 - August 31st, 2013 | PROJECT

The Science Museum of Minnesota, in collaboration with six NSF-funded Science and Technology Centers (STCs) around the country, is developing several deliverables around the theme of the Anthropocene; that is, the idea that Earth has entered a new geologic epoch in which humanity is the dominant agent of global change. Deliverables include: (1) a 3,500 square-foot exhibit with object theater at the museum; (2) an Earth Buzz Web site that focuses on global change topics equivalent in design intent to the museum's popular current science Science Buzz website; (3) kiosks with Earth Buzz experiences installed in selected public venues; (4) Public programs with decision makers and opinion leaders on the implications of a human-dominated planet; and (5) youth programs and activities that engage them with the exhibit, web site, and careers in STEM. The exhibits and Web site will feature scientific visualizations and computational models adapted to public learning environments from research work being conducted by STCs and other academic research partners. First-person narrative videos of scientists and their research produced by Twin Cities Public Television now are on display in the Future Earth exhibit and also have been packaged into a half-hour program for broadcast statewide. The intended strategic impact on the field of informal STEM education is twofold: (1) explore how to accelerate the dissemination of scientific research to public audiences; (2) investigate ways science centers/museums can serve as forums for public policy dialogues.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products


Team Members

Patrick Hamilton, Principal Investigator, Science Museum of Minnesota
Robert Garfinkle, Co-Principal Investigator, Science Museum of Minnesota
Paul Morin, Co-Principal Investigator, University of Minnesota


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0741760
Funding Amount: 2999377


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Climate | Geoscience and geography | History | policy | law
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Exhibitions | Media and Technology | Museum and Science Center Exhibits | Museum and Science Center Programs | Public Programs | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media