Expanding Boundaries: Harrison Schmitt and the Next Mining Frontier

September 1st, 2010 - August 31st, 2012 | PROJECT

The National Mining Hall of Fame’s newest exhibit, Expanding Boundaries: Harrison Schmitt and the New Mining Frontier is an innovative look at the future of the extraction industry and a unique opportunity to expand the imagination of current and future generations. With the help from the experts at NASA, the new exhibit communicates information to inspire excitement and convey benefits of space exploration as it relates to the mining industry and our everyday lives, as well as to commemorate and honor Harrison Schmitt by sharing his contributions and experiences to foster interest and exploration of STEM disciplines. Through four, user-friendly, interactive displays the exhibit achieves the following objectives: (1) Provide factual information such as the Apollo missions, geology of the moon, theories of the moons origins, cultural interpretations of the moon, and other general moon information. (2) Compare historic earth-based mining, lunar mining, and future prospects for extra-terrestrial mining. (3) Connect with modern, technological sensibility through interactive, educational and gaming elements. (4) Dedicate the exhibit to Harrison Schmitt and celebrate his story through artifacts, audio-visuals, and stories. (5) Display lunar and other extra-terrestrial related minerals (i.e. meteorites, etc.).

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Bob Hartzell, Principal Investigator, National Mining Hall of Fame and Museum


Funding Source: NASA
Award Number: NNX10AD94G
Funding Amount: 121295


Audience: General Public | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Geoscience and geography | Space science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Exhibitions | Museum and Science Center Exhibits