Expand Biorap Newsletter Distribution and Evaluation

September 1st, 1995 - May 31st, 1998 | PROJECT

BioRAP is a health science newsletter developed for 6th to 8th grade youngsters. It was developed by the Education Committee of Connecticut United for Research Excellence (CURE) Inc. The newsletter arose in response to increasing requests from school teachers to CURE-s speaker bureau for presentations on certain health related topics. The newsletter was envisioned as a way to efficiently deliver up-to-date health science information in an interesting fashion. BioRAP is meant to be a user friendly, intellectually honest vehicle to provide emerging information on health, science, the scientific method and health science careers to middle school youngsters. Issues are presented in a standard format on heavy duty recycled paper. The eight pages of each issue include standard columns (i.e., Today-s Research Laboratory, Career Rap), a full page cartoon presentation of information, word games (i.e., crossword puzzles, word hunts), activities for students to do and a column of questions from other readers.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Debra Pasquale, Principal Investigator, University of Connecticut


Funding Source: NIH
Award Number: R25RR010721


Audience: Educators | Teachers | Middle School Children (11-13)
Discipline: Health and medicine
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Comics | Books | Newspapers | Media and Technology