
January 10th, 1998 - June 30th, 1999 | PROJECT

WNET is producing and evaluating the pilot phase of a multi-media mathematics education project for children aged nine to eleven. The centerpiece of the project will be an animated television series for national broadcast via PBS. In each of the weekly programs, a team of young characters would be drawn into a computer and become protagonists on intriguing missions in locations as varied as a contemporary theme park or the deserts of ancient Egypt. Facing an evil adversary, the young heroes use mathematics to overcome challenges in the course of their travels and adventures. At the end of each episode viewers will be invited to use mathematics to solve a cliffhanger. The series will be supported by a targeted national outreach campaign with cooperating public television stations and three national partners. Ancillary material will consist of an interactive Internet site and print materials including a magazine with activities, puzzles, problems, and comics. The PI for the project will be Ruth Ann Burns, Vice President and Director of Educational Resources Center at WNET. The two key Math Content Directors will be Mari Muri, currently an advisor to the Connecticut State Department of Education, and Carey Bolster, Director of the PBS Mathline K-12 projects. Joel Schneider of Children's Television Workshop will be the Lead Content Advisor. The Series Producer will be Kristin Martin who has most recently served as Lead Producer for The Magic School Bus. Edward Kaskt, a computer animator with extensive experience with Children's Television Workshop, Nickelodeon, ABC, NBC, CBS, and HBO will be the series' Creative Director.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

Formative Evaluation of Cyberchase: The Poddleville Case - FULL REPORT
Formative Evaluation of Characters and Stories for Cyberchase - FULL REPORT

Team Members

Ruth Burns, Principal Investigator, Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Carey Bolster, Co-Principal Investigator, Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Sandra Sheppard, Co-Principal Investigator, Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Barbara Flagg, Evaluator, Multimedia Research


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 9725610
Funding Amount: 450000


Audience: Elementary School Children (6-10) | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Mathematics
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology