May 15th, 2009 - April 30th, 2011 | PROJECT
Thirteen/WNET New York requests funds to develop and produce five new Cyberchase episodes, a multi-media Summer Challenge math initiative, plus serialized Web games and an online Cartoon Maker to involve kids in active, creative mathematical thinking. Now in its seventh production season and sixth year of daily PBS broadcast, Cyberchase has helped millions of children acquire a stronger foundation in mathematics. Cyberchase's content spans the 3rd-5th grade standards of the National Council of Mathematics, and targets children aged 8-11. The series goals include: 1) reinforce mathematical knowledge especially during the summer months; 2) expand opportunities for kids' involvement with Cyberchase math activities; 3) and inspire all children to approach math with enthusiasm and confidence. Ancillary materials, outreach, and a highly popular Web site extend the learning and help make Cyberchase the sole mathematics media project available for the target age group. The new season will build on the successful format to model effective problem-solving processes, expand the math-rich Web site and bring Cyberchase to today's new-media platforms to prompt children to do math. Season 8 will especially target the summer, when children's TV viewing goes up, informal educators provide special offerings, and children, especially the under-served, are at risk of losing math growth made during the school year. The Summer Challenge will create a first-ever math summer campaign for PBS Kids. Cyberchase is watched by four million viewers each week. The audience is 40% minority and includes equal numbers of girls and boys. Cyberchase Online receives 1.9 visits a month. The project summative evaluation will study the outcomes and impact on (a) the target-age children (conducted by Multimedia Research) as well as (b) 8 PBS stations and local partners, culminating in a white paper on best practices for presenting informal STEM education in the summer (conducted by RMC Research). Season 8 initiatives will strengthen existing partnerships and forge new collaborations. Existing partnerships include museums, 50 chapters of Girls Inc., National Engineers Week Foundation, PBS stations, Sally Ride Science, Ernst & Young, and new partners MANA (a national Latina organization) and the Girl Scouts.
Project Website(s)
(no project website provided)
Project Products
Implementation Evaluation of Cyberchase Season 8 Summer Challenge - FULL STUDY
Developing Sustainable Summer Outreach Initiatives: Lessons from the Cyberchase Summer Challenge - FULL STUDY
Team Members
Sandra Sheppard, Principal Investigator, Educational Broadcasting CorporationFrances Nankin, Co-Principal Investigator, Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Michael Templeton, Co-Principal Investigator, Educational Broadcasting Corporation
Barbara Flagg, Evaluator, Multimedia Research
Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0840274
Funding Amount: 848136
Audience: Educators | Teachers | Elementary School Children (6-10) | Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Mathematics
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Broadcast Media | Media and Technology | Websites | Mobile Apps | Online Media