Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Informal Science Education (HCI+ISE)

September 15th, 2012 - August 31st, 2013 | PROJECT

This conference brings together 60 people in May/June 2013 to discuss opportunities and limitations in the use of the latest in Human Computer Interactions (HCI) in museum settings, such as experiences using Kinect, Wii, multi-touch computer-based systems and voice recognition interfaces. Given that HCI is increasingly being used in museum settings, the conference will examine some of the exemplar exhibits that now exist and explore some design challenges regarding the use of HCI in museum settings. Participants at the conference include an interdisciplinary set of experts (science exhibition development experts, learning science researchers, ISE evaluators and multi-media experts) that will take a critical look at the future needs and appropriate application of HCI in museum environments. The conference will explore both the advantages and limitations of HCI use in museum environments, and will concern itself with both the nature of the hardware and the learning that can occur. A final report will be disseminated via a multi-user blog that will encourage participation/discussion and the conference leaders will encourage the development of a Community of Practice regarding the use of HCI in museum settings that builds from the existing Open Exhibits web site and Open Exhibits membership (

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Jim Spadaccini, Principal Investigator, Ideum
Kathleen McLean, Co-Principal Investigator, Independent Exhibitions
Jennifer Borland, Evaluator, Rockman, et. al.


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 1139752
Funding Amount: 218680


Audience: Evaluators | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Education and learning science | Technology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Conferences | Professional Development | Conferences | Networks