Build IT: Girls Building Information Technology Fluency Through Design

September 15th, 2005 - August 31st, 2009 | PROJECT

SRI and Girls, Inc. of Alameda County will develop a problem-based program for underserved middle-school girls. "Build IT" will serve 300 girls in three years providing each with 150 contact hours of programming. The program is designed to increase IT fluency, motivate girls to engage in IT related activities, encourage the pursuit of IT careers and increase interest in mathematics. Participants will progress through three stages: Apprentice, Journeygirl, and Specialist. Apprentices learn how to use Internet communication tools and interact with design professionals in a variety of IT fields. Journeygirls engage in software design and create small mobile devices while working in conjunction with software engineers in Stanford University's Learning, Design, and Technology Program. Specialists continue to work in design teams and build valuable project and resource management skills. A curriculum will be developed that builds on NSF-funded products such as Techbridge (HRD 00-80386) and Imagination Place (HRD 97-14749), while addressing communication technologies, networking, wireless and mobile communication tools, web development and computer programming. Troubleshooting and leadership skills will also be included. Additional activities consist of professional development for Girls, Inc. staff to build IT fluency, as well as Family Tech Nights to encourage parental involvement.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Team Members

Melissa Koch, Principal Investigator, SRI International
Melissa Bryan, Co-Principal Investigator, Girls, Inc. of Alameda County
Marie Bienkowski, Co-Principal Investigator, SRI International
Deborah Emery, Former Co-Principal Investigator, SRI International


Funding Source: NSF
Funding Program: ISE/AISL
Award Number: 0524762
Funding Amount: 972353


Access and Inclusion: Women and Girls
Audience: Middle School Children (11-13) | Museum | ISE Professionals
Discipline: Computing and information science | Mathematics | Technology
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Community Outreach Programs | Public Programs