Birds in Forested Landscapes

January 1st, 1997 - January 1st, 1997 | PROJECT

Birds in Forested Landscapes is a continentwide study to look at the effects of habitat - forest fragmentation, acid rain, recreation - on the breeding success of thrushes and hawks. BFL focuses on seven species of North American thrushes and two forest raptors. BFL is a breeding survey, so fieldwork starts after spring migration and wraps up before migration starts again in late summer. Observers broadcast audio recordings of mobbing calls to elicit a response from local birds, and describe the habitat at three geographic scales to help understand species' habitat requirements for successful breeding.

Project Website(s)

(no project website provided)

Project Products

Team Members

Ken Rosenberg, Principal Investigator, Cornell University


Audience: General Public
Discipline: Ecology | forestry | agriculture | Life science
Resource Type: Project Descriptions
Environment Type: Citizen Science Programs | Public Programs